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Initialize Sign Client

val appMetaData = Sign.Model.AppMetaData(
name = "Wallet Name",
description = "Wallet Description",
url = "Wallet Url",
icons = listOfIconUrlStrings

val connectionType = Sign.ConnectionType.AUTOMATIC or Sign.ConnectionType.MANUAL

val init = Sign.Params.Init(
application = application,
relayServerUrl = /*websocket server with scheme, authority, and projectId as query parameter*/
appMetaData = appMetaData,
connectionType = connectionType

// or

val init = Sign.Params.Init(
application = application,
useTls = /*true or false*/,
hostName = /*websocket server with scheme and authority*/,
projectId = /*projectId*/,
appMetaData = appMetaData,
connectionType = connectionType


The wallet client will always be responsible for exposing accounts (CAPI10 compatible) to a Dapp and therefore is also in charge of signing. To initialize the Sign client, create a Sign.Params.Init object in the Android Application class. The Init object will need the application class, the Project ID, and the apps's AppMetaData. The Sign.Params.Init object will then be passed to the SignClient initialize function. Sign.Params.Init also allows for custom URLs by passing URL string into the hostName property.

We allow developers to choose between the Sign.ConnectionType.MANUAL and Sign.ConnectionType.AUTOMATICconnection type. The default one(Sign.ConnectionType.AUTOMATIC) disconnects wss connection when app enters background and reconnects when app is brought back to the foreground. The Sign.ConnectionType.MANUAL allows developers to control when to open WebSocket connection and when to close it. Accordingly, and SignClient.WebSocket.close().

Above, there are two example on how to create the initalizing parameters.



val walletDelegate = object : SignClient.WalletDelegate {
override fun onSessionProposal(sessionProposal: Sign.Model.SessionProposal) {
// Triggered when wallet receives the session proposal sent by a Dapp

override fun onSessionRequest(sessionRequest: Sign.Model.SessionRequest) {
// Triggered when a Dapp sends SessionRequest to sign a transaction or a message

override fun onSessionDelete(deletedSession: Sign.Model.DeletedSession) {
// Triggered when the session is deleted by the peer

override fun onSessionSettleResponse(settleSessionResponse: Sign.Model.SettledSessionResponse) {
// Triggered when wallet receives the session settlement response from Dapp

fun onSessionUpdateResponse(sessionUpdateResponse: Sign.Model.SessionUpdateResponse) {
// Triggered when wallet receives the session update response from Dapp

fun onConnectionStateChange(state: Sign.Model.ConnectionState) {
//Triggered whenever the connection state is changed

The SignClient needs a SignClient.WalletDelegate passed to it for it to be able to expose asynchronous updates sent from the Dapp.

Pair Clients

val pair = Sign.Params.Pair("wc:...")

To pair the wallet with the Dapp, call the SignClient.pair function which needs a Sign.Params.Pair parameter. Sign.Params.Pair is where the WC Uri will be passed.

Session Approval

NOTE: addresses provided in accounts array should follow CAPI10 semantics.

val proposerPublicKey: String = /*Proposer publicKey from SessionProposal object*/
val namespace: String = /*Namespace identifier, see for reference:*/
val accounts: List<String> = /*List of accounts on chains*/
val methods: List<String> = /*List of methods that wallet approves*/
val events: List<String> = /*List of events that wallet approves*/
val namespaces: Map<String, Sign.Model.Namespaces.Session> = mapOf(namespace, Sign.Model.Namespaces.Session(accounts, methods, events))

val approveParams: Sign.Params.Approve = Sign.Params.Approve(proposerPublicKey, namespaces)
SignClient.approveSession(approveParams) { error -> /*callback for error while approving a session*/ }

To send an approval, pass a Proposer's Public Key along with the map of namespaces to the SignClient.approveSession function.

Session Rejection

val proposerPublicKey: String = /*Proposer publicKey from SessionProposal object*/
val rejectionReason: String = /*The reason for rejecting the Session Proposal*/
val rejectionCode: String = /*The code for rejecting the Session Proposal*/
For reference use CAIP-25:

val rejectParams: Sign.Params.Reject = Reject(proposerPublicKey, rejectionReason, rejectionCode)
SignClient.rejectSession(rejectParams) { error -> /*callback for error while rejecting a session*/ }

To send a rejection for the Session Proposal, pass a proposerPublicKey, rejection reason and rejection code to the SignClient.rejectSession function.

Session Disconnect

val disconnectionReason: String = /*The reason for disconnecting the Session*/
val disconnectionCode: String = /*The code for for disconnecting the Session*/
val sessionTopic: String = /*Topic from the Session*/
For reference use CAIP-25:
val disconnectParams = Sign.Params.Disconnect(sessionTopic, disconnectionReason, disconnectionCode)

SignClient.disconnect(disconnectParams) { error -> /*callback for error while disconnecting a session*/ }

To disconnect from a settled session, pass a disconnection reason with code and the Session topic to the SignClient.disconnect function.

Respond Request

val sessionTopic: String = /*Topic of Session*/
val jsonRpcResponse: Sign.Model.JsonRpcResponse.JsonRpcResult = /*Settled Session Request ID along with request data*/
val result = Sign.Params.Response(sessionTopic = sessionTopic, jsonRpcResponse = jsonRpcResponse)

SignClient.respond(result) { error -> /*callback for error while responding session request*/ }

To respond to JSON-RPC method that were sent from Dapps for a session, submit a Sign.Params.Response with the session's topic and request ID along with the respond data to the SignClient.respond function.

Reject Request

val sessionTopic: String = /*Topic of Session*/
val jsonRpcResponseError: Sign.Model.JsonRpcResponse.JsonRpcError = /*Session Request ID along with error code and message*/
val result = Sign.Params.Response(sessionTopic = sessionTopic, jsonRpcResponse = jsonRpcResponseError)

SignClient.respond(result) { error -> /*callback for error while responding session request*/ }

To reject a JSON-RPC method that was sent from a Dapps for a session, submit a Sign.Params.Response with the settled session's topic and request ID along with the rejection data to the SignClient.respond function.

Session Update

NOTE: addresses provided in accounts array should follow CAPI10 semantics.

val sessionTopic: String = /*Topic of Session*/
val namespace: String = /*Namespace identifier, see for reference:*/
val accounts: List<String> = /*List of accounts on chains*/
val methods: List<String> = /*List of methods that wallet approves*/
val events: List<String> = /*List of events that wallet approves*/
val namespaces: Map<String, Sign.Model.Namespaces.Session> = mapOf(namespace, Sign.Model.Namespaces.Session(accounts, methods, events))
val updateParams = Sign.Params.Update(sessionTopic, namespaces)

SignClient.update(updateParams) { error -> /*callback for error while sending session update*/ }

To update a session with namespaces, submit a Sing.Params.Update object with the session's topic and namespaces to update session with to SignClient.Update.

Session Extend

val sessionTopic: String = /*Topic of Session*/
val extendParams = Sign.Params.Extend(sessionTopic = sessionTopic)

WalletConnectClient.extend(exdendParams) { error -> /*callback for error while extending a session*/ }

To extend a session, create a Sign.Params.Extend object with the session's topic to update the session with to Sign.Extend. Session is extended by 7 days.

Session Ping

val sessionTopic: String = /*Topic of Session*/
val pingParams = Sign.Params.Ping(sessionTopic)
val listener = object : Sign.Listeners.SessionPing {
override fun onSuccess(pingSuccess: Model.Ping.Success) {
// Topic being pinged

override fun onError(pingError: Model.Ping.Error) {
// Error
}, listener)

To ping a peer with a session, call with the Sign.Params.Ping with a session's topic. If ping is successful, topic is echo'd in listener.



val dappDelegate = object : SignClient.DappDelegate {
override fun onSessionApproved(approvedSession: Sign.Model.ApprovedSession) {
// Triggered when Dapp receives the session approval from wallet

override fun onSessionRejected(rejectedSession: Sign.Model.RejectedSession) {
// Triggered when Dapp receives the session rejection from wallet

fun onSessionUpdate(updatedSession: Sign.Model.UpdatedSession) {
// Triggered when Dapp receives the session update from wallet

fun onSessionExtend(session: Sign.Model.Session) {
// Triggered when Dapp receives the session extend from wallet

override fun onSessionEvent(sessionEvent: Sign.Model.SessionEvent) {
// Triggered when the peer emits events that match the list of events agreed upon session settlement

fun onSessionDelete(deletedSession: Sign.Model.DeletedSession) {
// Triggered when Dapp receives the session delete from wallet

fun onSessionRequestResponse(response: Sign.Model.SessionRequestResponse) {
// Triggered when Dapp receives the session request response from wallet

fun onConnectionStateChange(state: Sign.Model.ConnectionState) {
//Triggered whenever the connection state is changed

The SignClient needs a SignClient.DappDelegate passed to it for it to be able to expose asynchronously updates sent from the Wallet.


val namespace: String = /*Namespace identifier, see for reference:*/
val chains: List<String> = /*List of chains that wallet will be requested for*/
val methods: List<String> = /*List of methods that wallet will be requested for*/
val events: List<String> = /*List of events that wallet will be requested for*/
val namespaces: Map<String, Sign.Model.Namespaces.Proposal> = mapOf(namespace, Sign.Model.Namespaces.Proposal(accounts, methods, events))
val pairingTopic: String? = /* Optional parameter, use it when the pairing between peers is already established*/
val connectParams = Sign.Params.Connect(namespaces, pairingTopic)

fun SignClient.connect(connectParams, { proposedSequence -> /*callback that returns the WalletConnect.Model.ProposedSequence*/ }, { error -> /*callback for error while sending session proposal*/ })

The SignClient.connect asynchronously exposes the pairing URI that is shared with wallet out of bound, as qr code or mobile linking. The Sign.Model.ProposedSequence returns either a Pairing or Session flag depending on if there is already an established pairing between peers. To establish a session between peers, pass the existing pairing's topic to the connect method. The SDK will send the SessionProposal under the hood for the given topic and expect session approval or rejection in onSessionApproved and onSessionRejected in DappDelegate accordingly.

Get List of Settled Sessions


To get a list of the most current settled sessions, call SignClient.getListOfSettledSessions() which will return a list of type Session.

Get List of Settled Pairings


To get a list of the most current settled pairings, call SignClient.getListOfSettledPairings() which will return a list of type Pairing.

Get list of pending session requests for a topic

SignClient.getPendingRequests(topic: String)

To get a list of pending session requests for a topic, call SignClient.getPendingRequests() and pass a topic which will return a PendingRequest object containing requestId, method, chainIs and params for pending request.

Project ID

For the Project ID look at Project ID.